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Portfolio Diversification – Invest across all Asset Classes

This article is about the basics of portfolio diversification. If you want to get a more comprehensive idea of portfolio diversification. People may have huge resources at their disposal deployed in a particular asset class. For Example, Mr. Alex had a huge amount of funds which he decided to invest only in real estate.  Accordingly, he pooled a large amount of funds in the real estate market. In a couple of years,  he gained multiple amounts of returns from the investment made and therefore continued to invest in that particular asset class. He was contended without diversifying his portfolio. What if that particular asset class suddenly starts showing a bad result? What if the market does not respond well to that asset class? What if Mr. Alex had a cash crunch and liquidity becomes an issue? Like Mr. Alex, there are several investors who are unwilling or are not aware of the benefits of portfolio diversification. To resolve all the above-mentioned queries and to make the investors un

3 Financial Mistakes of a Novice Investor

 Mistake 1 – Waiting for the so-called “right time” for investing in financial markets During our school or college days, when we are financially dependent on our parents, we think that we will invest soon when we get our first salary. On getting our first salary, we think that it is the time to rejoice the perks of all the hardships, so we treat ourselves with the best of luxury. We all know that money is what money does. Gone is the first salary and then year after year, since we get addicted to the luxury, we end up complaining that we do not have much left in hand after expending. Well. If you are spending before saving, then obviously you have no amount of savings in your hand at the end of the month. You promise to yourself that you will start investing as soon as there is salary hike. Salary increases, but you never save. Eventually in the early 30’s, when you face the boredom of responsibility you wish you would have saved at the “right time” That right time was soon after you

5 Reasons why traders lose money in trading stocks

 Traders often go through periodic up and down phases in stock market, but if it occurs on a frequent basis, they should introspect and try to find out the reason for the same. It may so happen that they might ride on beginner’s luck at the start of their trading career, but soon law of average will likely kick in and if they are not disciplined, they may lose quite a lot of money. In such scenarios, instead of getting depressed or cursing the market, traders should spend time in figuring out their weaknesses, improve their knowledge and become more disciplined. Many people consider trading stocks to be the simplest way of making money but it often comes out be the easiest and fastest way of losing money. Also, often you might have heard an analyst discussing on news channels that market is making new highs but you may wonder that your portfolio is not performing the same and rather end up in losses. Today you will get to understand the 5 important reasons why most traders lose money w

8 Facts you should know about Financial Media

If you are one of them who pays a lot of attention to financial media and base your trade based on their recommendation, here are eight facts you must know about how media affect your mind and behaviour in the long run. 1. Everyone is biased Most of the people we see on business media is paid. Since everyone is selling something, biasness is bound to occur. If you still want to base your decision on the financial media, it’s better to conduct your research rather than blindly following them. 2. People in business media are more actors than experts The anchors and analysts on financial media try to create an authority bias through good English, use of high-fi jargons and with good dress up. These are the perfect ingredient to trap people. 3. Everyone is selling Everyone is selling something or other thing in the market. Some sell you the stocks they already hold (so that they become richer and richer when you buy), some tries to sell some financial products, some newsletter or any finan

6 Financial Planning Mistakes that can change life

Investment is a process or an action undertaken with an expectation to generate profit in future. In the dynamic environment, we live in it has become a very common tool used by people at almost all the levels, making proper planning of money is an integral part. However, the financial planning mistakes that a person makes can change its life. Money is a very vital part so decisions regarding how to invest money and where to invest money should be taken with utmost care. Investments, if put to good use, can yield great benefits and vice-e-versa. Therefore this tool/process called investment should be used wisely. As per Alan Lakein – “Failing to plan is planning to fail” Therefore avoiding financial planning mistakes is very important for safeguarding your and your loved one’s future. 

How can traders reduce their level of performance anxiety? and Month PNL

  Putting this blog with another last month PNL - not been able to trade much but tried to do whenever possible, the Personal Training groups size also got reduced and batches got shut down, but overall being a green month at the net which came with lots of learnings below are some I have put.  I've never seen a trader succeed whose explicit or implicit goal was to not lose. The trader who trades to not lose is like the person who lives to avoid death: both become spiritual hypochondriacs.  How can traders reduce their level of performance anxiety? Here are a few strategies that I have found to be effective : Focus on process goals when thinking about trading, rather than profits/losses – Traders like to set goals for themselves, yet often as not, monetary goals end up creating unnecessary pressures. More effective goals are ones that focus on the process of trading, such as limiting losses to two ticks if you’re a scalper or holding trades until a trailing stop is hit. A nice min

Trader’s Questionnaire – Becoming a Professional Trader

  Would you like to become a trader? At WISEMANTRADING   we don’t believe this is possible through just purchasing a course / Mentorship Programme. The road to trading success is a long, hard, winding road, with many potholes, false turns, and dead-ends. Sorry, but that’s a fact. There is no Holy-Grail trading solution  Just as peak performance in sport requires years of exposure to the sport, trading success comes from years of exposure to the markets, allowing constant improvement in the trader’s ability to read changes in market sentiment and react without fear, what we do at WISEMANTRADING  is to reduce your time and money spent on the market and keep you ahead 4-6 years ahead in Trading career.  Disciplined application of the following steps will get you off to a great start to becoming a trader. Please print it out and get started from step one immediately. And as you travel along this long journey to profitability, don’t forget to enjoy the process and marvel at the complexity o